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18 Jul 2013

Buka Minda # 1

A good guideline for discussion would be resisting the temptation to reject a presentation by others as propaganda.

As far as your statement,  “A statement of a Ph D thesis cannot change the ruling of the scholars of all times”, kindly note, that only God’s word remains unchangeable, and Prophet’s words remain unchangeable, provided, they are his words. Everyone else’s word should be questionable. Muslims are to read (Iqra), question and believe.

A few Muslims have been threatened, frightened and reduced to meek people with no guts to question the veracity of the scholars. With the unprecedented availability of knowledge, two generations down the road, you will see that new breed of Muslims will have stronger faith in God to question everything. They will be Allah fearing and not Mullah fearing, and they will question the authenticity of Imam Bukhari, Hanbali, Shafii, Jaffari and others without batting an eye. That is when Islam will be re-realized to its fullest extent. Right now our fear to question has put layers of dust over Islam…

I hope Gehan can provide further research on this, however the responsibility falls on all of us, we are responsible to find the truth on our own.
Some 15 years ago, we had a Muslim woman scholar giving a talk about the same subject; the Muslims “In charge” were scrambling to shut the woman down, because they did not have the stomach to hear that Hijab is cultural and not Islamic.

There is nothing wrong in wearing the Hijab, if one is used to, and no one should compel the woman not to wear or to wear. It should be her choice. However, to force on as religious duty is wrong, because it is not religious. Who am I to say this? An ordinary Muslim, whom Prophet told to read and understand the book , as I am responsible for my acts on the day of judgment .  
Mike Ghouse


  1. igtkan lu yg duk speaking ni tadi...huhu

    1. hehe....bukan la...saja mahu kongsikan info juga ilmu.

    2. jangkaan yg sama. hahah

  2. Replies
    1. haha faham x apa yg di tulis di atas tu?

  3. aaa~ malas nak baca kenapa panjang sgt..haha..cantik mata dia.. ^.^

    1. inilah masalah umat islam di malaysia ...MALAS.

      Bila malas semua info kita x tahu dan apabila di sanggah kita melatah dan melalut bagai nak gila.Khas sekali kaum2 hawa di malaysia yang ramai sangat mudah terikut2 tanpa tahu apa dan mengapa!

      Itu pasal di berikan tajuk ..." buka minda "!

      Tolong la baca bukan sesaja bikin blog membabi buta.

      sekian salam.

  4. Aku faham part yg last je pasal Hijab. It's her choice to wear or not, but is that already stated in Quran. Huuu

    1. ok kool...kalau rajin klik la laman tu ...sebagai info tambahan kita.

  5. Tu ah, ye ye baca.. ingat kau yang tulis. tipahtertipu!

  6. wanita dari tak berhijab sampai la berhijab u bukankah pilihan.... mcm hidayah jugak kan...? tapi kena la juga berusaha ke arah tu... insya allah..

  7. Muka perempuan di atas tu bagi saya macam palsu sahaja. Has been edited dengan photoshop maybe.

    Secara jujurnya orang yang betul-betul berpengetahuan tinggi, bermaklumat, yang yakin dan berani sahaja yang mampu mempersoalkan ketepatan kata-kata atau mempertikaikan tulisan si pakar, dan untuk itu, dia perlu bersedia menerima kritikan dan kutukan dari pihak lain.

    Kenapa kita takut dengan sesuatu atau dengan seseorang?

    Sebab kita kurang maklumat dan pengetahuan tentang sesuatu atau seseorang itu.

    1. pic tu abaikan saje.

      bagaimana utk yakin dan berani?

      perlu membaca dan banyakkan lagi membaca maka tidak kita buta mengikut atau membantah membuta tuli.

    2. Membaca dan membaca. Berguru juga perlu.

    3. benar tu...sebagai guide kita.


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